Vidya Vikas Shikshan Sanstha's



Vidya Vikas Shikshan Sanstha's


Code of Conduct ___

Code of Conduct for Students

  • All students must abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute. The Institute authority may take disciplinary action if any student violates the rules and regulations. Students are advised to adhere to the code of conduct and discharge their responsibilities as a student. Students are required to follow following rules:
  • Students shall come clean, tidy and smartly dressed.
  • Every student should wear an Identity Card (ID) issued by the college at all times while on campus. In case of loss of identity card, student must inform the office to get a new ID card by paying Rs. 25/-.
  • Students should be regular and punctual in attending the classes and all other activities of the college.
  • The first bell announcing commencement of the session and so they shall find themselves seated in their respective class rooms.
  • During class hours gathering in groups at entrance and exit pathways, playfield, garden, gateways and lobby (veranda) is strictly prohibited.
  • Strict silence should be observed inside the classroom.
  • Student should get up quietly as lecturer enters the class and keep standing till the latter sits or desires them to be seated.
  • Students will not be permitted to attend the classes without the text/reference books when informed by faculty.
  • No student should leave the classroom without prior permission of the faculty.
  • Students are expected to read notices put up on the college noticeboard. Ignorance of any notice thus displayed will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with directions contained in it.
  • Students shall not hold meetings to criticize the authorities of the college. Such a meeting will be deemed unlawful and the principal may take such action as he/she may feel necessary under the rules.
  • No Notice of any kind shall be circulated among the students or pasted on the noticeboard without the previous written approval from the principal.
  • Bicycles and Two wheelers must be parked safely in the allocated places only. Vehicles found parked in unauthorized places shall be impounded.
  • Students witnessing games are expected to show sportsmanship in their appreciation and encouragement. They must not indulge in jeering or shouting that will distract any player or team.
  • While attending College or any public function they will conduct themselves in such a way as to bring credit to themselves and to the institution.
  • Students are forbidden from collecting any donation for any purpose without the permission of the principal.
  • Students are not allowed to address any authority in a body. Such combined action is subversive of good order.
  • Students should not address public meetings, media or take part in political activities of any kind. No information or report should be sent to press or broadcasting agencies without the permission and approval of the principal.
  • The principal will deal strictly with students who play a leading part by organizing or assisting in strikes.
  • Regular attendance in the classroom as well as submission of periodical assignments is expected from all the students. Any irregularity in this regard or absence without prior permission will affect adversely the evaluation of the student concerned and may entail disciplinary action.
  • The principal can suspend a student for irregular attendance for habitual neglect of homework, indolence, disobedience and disrespect towards teachers and office staff and for indecorous conduct. Students should not indulge in misbehavior such as ragging, eye teasing, etc., such students shall be strictly dealt as per law and may be dismissed from the college.
  • Cell phones are banned on campus. Students are not permitted to use cell phones at any time or in any place in the college campus.
  • Students shall avoid using any insulting, inciting, threatening language when talking with fellow students and should abstain themselves from violence.
  • Spitting, smoking and throwing bits of paper inside the college campus must be avoided.
  • Students are prohibited from damaging the building or any other property of the college in any way. The cost of any damage so caused will be recovered by the students collectively.
  • Representation of complaints and grievances may be made individually to the Principal through Class In-charge and HOD.
  • Smoking or alcoholic consumption are strictly prohibited.
  • All students admitted to the college are subject to the discipline and control of the college authorities. The students are required to adhere strictly to the rules and regulations that may be framed from time to time by the college authorities. Proper observance of college discipline, good conduct and participation in games and other events will play an important role in recommendation for final college examination / scholarship / placement/award of certificates, when leaving the college. In case of breach of discipline, the principal shall have the power to fine, suspend or even compel the concerned student(s) from the college.


Read complete codes here