The Constitution Day was celebrated by the Department of Political Science at MatoshriAshataiKunavar Arts, Commerce and Science MahilaMahavidyalaya. The program was attended by the President of VidyaVikasSanstha and Principal of MatoshreeMahilaMahavidyalaya, Respected Dr.UmeshTulaskar Sir, the chief guest of the program and founder of Yashodhan Foundation, Prof. YogeshWankhede Sir, Vice Principal of MatoshreeMahilaMahavidyalaya, Dr.SapnaJaiswal Madam and Head of the Department of Political Science, Prof. PratibhaDubey Madam. Prof. YogeshWankhede Sir guided the students about the fundamental rights in the Constitution, while the program chairman UmeshTulaskar Sir explained the importance of the Constitution. Conducted by MA first year student Ms.PranjaliThul, the introduction was given by Prof. PratibhaDubey Madam and the vote of thanks was given by Dr.SunandaGirde Madam, the program concluded with the National Anthem. For the success of the program, the faculty, non-teaching staff and students of the college participated.